In Lithuania, public procurement policy is set by the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania. In particular, the Ministry of Economy is in charge of the definition of the public procurement policy and legislation but does not participate in the implementation or control of public procurement.
The Public procurement office (Viešųjų pirkimų tarnyba) an independent state institution, which implements the public procurement policy and supervises compliance with the law and the implementing legislation. The PPO’s functions include:
providing methodological assistance to the contracting authorities,
administering the central e-procurement portal,
preventing infringements,
controlling contracting authorities’ compliance with the law
coordinating and monitoring public procurement procedures together with partner ministries and other State authorities.
Other relevant bodies include:
the Competition Council (Konkurencijos taryba) an independent state institution, which is accountable to the Seimas of the Republiv of Lithuania. The authority implements state competition policy, as well as ensures the compliance with laws, the supresivsion of which is entrusted to it.
The National Audit Office (NAO) is the supreme audit institution of Lithuania and aims to foster an efficient management of State propertyix. Its activities fall with the Public Audit Strategy 2011-2015 and the corresponding annual audit programmes. The NAO controls public procurement through performance and financial audits, reports audit findings, and coordinates its activities on a regular basis with the PPO.
Central Purchasing Organisation (CPO LT) is the main Central procurement body (CPB) in charge of centralised purchases on behalf of contracting authorities at both national and local levels.